Hi, you are welcome to my page. You can check my site at https://j-e-casely-hayford.jimdosite.com/ where pictures and videos about J.E. Casely Hayford are documented. In selecting my background picture for this site , I considered J.E. Casely Hayford's love for African culture and traditions. Hence, my selection of an African drum. For me, this beautifies the whole idea of being a true African. You can check my GitHub link at ​GitHub​​​

Also, I have always craved the liberty to tell stories, to document events and preserve cultural materials. Back home in Nigeria, I worked with a friend on a project that quests to archive cultural materials, indigenous books and magazines. We also worked on documentaries on the lives of veteran Yoruba authors. Also, as a poet, my work has always craved to document, to offer a voice to every happening in the society, to tell people what they need to know about manifold occurrences in the global society. This ritual of documenting experiences or happenings has been quite pivotal to my engagement of the world.

Like One More Voice that brings to the fore the inclusion of indigenous voices in the body of digital work, my One More Voice satellite project tilts towards the documentation of the life of J.E. Casely Hayford. In my project, I am also representing this voice through the materials about his life and journeys. I am bringing to the table something new, something that will add to the body of work on J.E. Casely Hayford.

In mapping my One More Voice satellite, I am mapping history. I am creating a web of stories about my author. I am playing the role of a digital griot. I am saying something through the digital materials and objects, and also inviting people to participate by reading through these digital artefacts whenever they visit the site. For me, my formative years were filled with oral stories about African people, and I think that, sometimes, influences my exploration of ideas and thoughts. In my One More Voice satellite, I am creating a spectacle through which people will get to see my author.

Being a digital project, I owe a lot to One More Voice for the foundational lessons and ideas. Also, I am leaning on Kim Gallon’s “Making a Case for the Black Humanities”. In this essay, Gallon explores the idea of the inclusion and representation of black digital humanities in a racialized system. The idea of digital humanities and Africana/Black studies offers me the tool I need. It also serves as a motivation to work, as I direct my effort to the One More Voice satellite that I am working on. Also, in the same essay, the ‘technology of recovery’ also triggers my interest in my own project as a way of recovering, through my site, the voice/story of my author. This will also guide me through the work of documentation I am doing on my site.

Work cited
Gallon, Kim. “Making a Case for the Black Digital Humanities.” Debates in the Digital Humanities. 2006.